"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future."
Yogi Berra

Phrenicea "Fill the Web Page" Rules & Guidelines:

  1. Submissions will be selected based on originality and compatibility with the Phrenicea scenario as depicted on the phrenicea.com website and/or in the downloadable short story, "The Engagement of Phrenicea."
  2. All work must be original, created only by the submitter and unpublished.
  3. Optional image illustrations must be submitted in JPG or GIF format, and may be hand drawn or done on a computer. The basis of the illustration must not be clip art, and should be relevant to the submitted text.
  4. All submissions must be received electronically via phrenicea.com.
  5. Submissions will not be returned. We are not responsible for lost or misdirected submissions.
  6. More than one unique submission is permissible by any one submitter. Each submission will be evaluated on a stand-alone basis. More than one unique submission by any one submitter is eligible for selection.
  7. Submitter(s) whose work is selected will be notified via the email address entered on their Submission Form. We are not responsible for invalid or incorrect email addresses that truncate the notification process.
  8. Submitter(s) whose work is selected grant the owner of phrenicea.com the right and permission to have their text and optional illustrations published (and republished) on the Phrenicea website and in other forms of media without compensation. Said right and permission remain in effect until such time that the owner of phrenicea.com determines not to utilize the text and/or illustration for any purpose.
  9. Submitter(s) whose work is selected has the option to grant permission to the owner of phrenicea.com to publish their name and biographical information in connection with this endeavor. If/when permission is granted by the submitter, said publication is without any compensation.
  10. Submitter(s) whose work is selected will receive a complimentary Phrenicea T-shirt.
  11. By participating in this endeavor, submitter(s) hereby agree to be bound by the official rules set forth here as well as all relevant conditions set forth in our Terms of Use page. These rules are subject to change by the owner of phrenicea.com if so desired.
  12. Entries that are not in compliance with the submission rules will be disqualified from consideration.
  13. The Phrenicea "Fill the Web Page" opportunity will remain in effect until such time as the Phrenicea editors decide to discontinue it by removing the blankpage_opportunity.htm link and page from the Phrenicea website.

The Phrenicea "Fill the Web Page" Opportunity!

Your vision of the future can be a featured web page on the acclaimed Phrenicea website!

We're open to new and creative ideas about the future pertaining to aspects that we have not yet touched upon. After becoming familiar with the Phrenicea scenario via this website and understanding the Fill-the-Web-Page "Rules and Guidelines," you will be ready to submit your ideas to potentially "fill" our empty web page via the form below. (Hint: Answering the Phrenicea Trivia questions provides an efficient way to learn about the Phrenicea scenario developed thus far.)

Your ideas and scenarios must be congruent with the Phrenicea scenario as depicted on this site's web pages and in the downloadable short story, "The Engagement of Phrenicea." This "Fill the Web Page" opportunity should not be used to challenge or dispute the Phrenicea scenario. It is intended to complement it.

Text content should be web-page-friendly at 800 words or less.
Optional illustrations can be hand drawn or created on a computer, and must be sent electronically in JPG or GIF format.

Submissions that are selected to "fill the web page" will be published on phrenicea.com as a link from the Main page and potentially on other media forms as well.

Submissions will be evaluated by phrenicea.com principals based on imagination, creativity and relevance to the Phrenicea scenario.

Submitters whose entries are chosen for presentation will receive a complimentary Phrenicea T-shirt.

Deadline: There is no official deadline although the "Fill the Web Page" opportunity may be discontinued at any time.

"Fill the Web Page"
Submission Form

Your Name
Your email
(Selection notification via email only. Please be accurate!)
Optional Image File Attachment
(JPG or GIF only. Maximum 800X800; 400K)
Your Text Content Here
(Maximum 800 words)
You Understand & Agree with the Submission Rules Yes

Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Phrenicea® Terms and Conditions.

This page belongs to

Entire site ©2000-2011 John Herman. All rights reserved.