Thesaurus a marvellously additive way of looking up
alternative words!
How much is
that worth today? Comparing the purchasing power of money in the
Great Britain from 1600 to any other year including the present.
Devices of
Wonder from the Getty Museum, "discover the surprising and
seductive ancestors of modern cinema, cyborgs, computers and other optical
EasyType Free online typing
lessons and test.
One Across The site for
crossword fanatics
Phrenicea "predicting the
ultimate outcome of the internet and biotechnology revolutions" - the
vision of the 21st century
Guiness World
Records marvel at the men and women who have scaled the giddy
heights of human achievement
everything you ever wanted to know about marbles.
Britpolitics.com "your
point of reference to over a million different texts and thousands of
links covering all aspects of the British political system." Well
organised, comprehensive, and free.
Debatabase a searchable
database of arguments for and against a variety of controversial topics.
Registration is free, and it is a useful starting point when researching
for a debate, a presentation, or a classroom discussion.
BuzzWhack dedicated to
demystifying buzzwords. You can even sign up for a buzzword of the
YouGov sets out to promote
open government by making it more accountable. A major feature of the site
will be 'People's Parliament', enabling citizens to vote on the same
issues on which Parliament is voting..
The State of London the
website for the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority
Edge one of the most stimulating
sites on the web, "an informal salon, a forum for eminent scientists,
members of the digerati and science journalists from all over the world to
wrangle, show off, provoke and explain themselves. A marvellous showcase
for the internet, it comes very highly recommended." (Prospect, Aug/Sept
The Easter Egg Archive amusing
hidden tidbits, especially in computer programs
Superbad.com surreal
interactive puzzles... don't be put off by the opening page, which has
NOTHING to do with the rest of the site, as far as I can see!
2000 uses interactive applets to explain and demonstrate concepts -
The Soda
Constructor construct your own 2-D models from masses and springs,
then play around with the laws of physics... it's addictive!
MOWA: Museum of Web
Art dedicated to the art, technology and culture of the World Wide
Web. See the best in animations, banner ads, etc
GetMapping.com the
millennium map: a project which is two thirds of the way through photo
mapping the whole of the UK from 5,500 feet. They also have the sole
rights to use the original doomsday book and they plan to co-ordinate the
two. A trial site was launched on 2 February 2000: this is one to
Londontown.com the
official site for London, with lots of information about millennium events
and attractions
Londoneye The
Millennium wheel. Includes a webcam which refreshes the image every 15
seconds and changes position every minute.