"The future is not what it used to be." |
Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics, MIT |
![]() Conscious thought is enough to engage a link-up and begin a session with Phrenicea. Speaking is redundant and can appear a bit bizarre to the uninitiated. If the opportunity arises during a Phrenicea engagement, intimate expressions of feelings can be expressed. Generations past had no idea how prescient the old saying "love is all in your mind" would be! An engagement can be revisited by either party at any time, from a first- or third-person perspective. All sessions are permanently stored on Phrenicea. The term "divorce" does survive, although it merely signifies the break-up of a relationship. That "piece of paper" often referred to in the old days, signifying a formal union, becomes outdated when personal records are stored within a person's DNA. In addition, the more ephemeral nature of relationships made the concept of communal property moot and ended the hassles of settlement. Visit Your Future®
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