"I can't believe you're listening to this." |
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith frontman |
![]() Don't laugh! Twentieth-century rock'n'roll supplants traditional classical music as the genre to be revered. The artists elevated to genius status include Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix, Billy Joel, Yes, Rush, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson, Frank Zappa, Miles Davis and more. Even more incredible is that music is no longer played or listened to — in the traditional sense. (The phrase "music to the ears" elicits a curious grimace by mid-21st century.) By engaging Phrenicea, all the world's music becomes instantly accessible. The experience is analogous to recalling a tune that's stuck in your head from a recent listen. Composing music is by thought; one only needs to know how the music should sound, and not the rigorous training required to attain that sound. Formal study would add sophistication to the process, but like most time-honored creative endeavors, it became just too much work! ![]() Visit Your Future®
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