CARPE DIEM ("seize the day") |
Horace, Roman poet |
![]() Pick Me!! Pick Me!!! Ambition is a human characteristic that comes in many forms, varieties, and in varying quantities. Some have little to none — probably due to never being fortunate enough to find their niche in life. Others seem to have unbounded energy to accomplish. Ambition today is exhibited in such familiar forms as the quest for wealth, the striving for professional perfection, physical prowess, the attainment of fame, the upheaval of the status quo, or the unselfish acquisition of knowledge for its own sake. By midcentury when Phrenicea becomes an overwhelming controlling entity, personal ambition becomes scarce. An unintended consequence of Phrenicea's societal insinuation was the apparent difficulty in overcoming inherent complacency that accompanied instantaneous access to all the world's knowledge, instinctive physical skills, as well as total comfort and health — albeit within the confining quarters of a cubicle. For the few determined to resist contentment and sloth, energies were now channeled towards a single goal — that of higher learning and thought for the purpose of increasing the "value" of their brain — to Phrenicea. Since there would be no limit to the size of the Phrenicea braincomb, nor to the number of brains that comprise
However, only brains that qualified with sufficient brainpower to pass a rigorous test regimen would be chosen. Consequently there could be no higher level of status attained than to be designated early in life as a braincomb candidate.
Imagine your life's purpose not related at all to the present, but only to prepare your brain for near-eternity in service to others within a Phrenicea braincomb chamber! All this may sound farfetched or silly — but are YOU too ignoring the present and in some way foolishly living only for the future? Visit Your Future®
Three Brains
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