"Beef, It's What's for Dinner." |
Cattlemen's Beef Board |
![]() Forget it! By midcentury industrial farming of beef, poultry, and pork has been banned due to the massive polluting effects of fecal waste, and exorbitant transportation costs limit interstate and international shipping of whatever is produced on a small scale. Proactive environmentalists' calls to eliminate CAFOs — Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations — fell to deaf ears early in the century, until finally the scarcity of fresh water and polluting effectsRealityCheck! were in many cases irreversible.
As is often the case when humans are involved, no action was taken until it was too late. Subsequent generations had to bear the burden of Man's wanton disregard. The ultimate consequence by midcentury? Traditional food is replaced with one product — Polynutriment, a custard-like glop made artificially. Science finally gained an intrinsic knowledge of what is required by the
Polynutriment is consumed during most mealtimes, is inexpensive and is manufactured and distributed by Phrenicea. Its formula is tailored to each individual's unique dietary needs. The major ingredients are garnered from far down a shrinking food chain — derived from a virtually unlimited supply of insects,RealityCheck! plankton and krill! Combined with a person's DNA-based brainerama enhancements, Polynutriment eliminates the need for boring exercise in an attempt to maintain peak physical health.RealityCheck! The only caveat is that for most people it can only be consumed while engaged with Phrenicea. Without the simulated perception of a delicious food, the custard would almost induce one to vomit. Thank goodness Julia Child was born well before Phrenicea's time! A big plus is that turn-of-the-century problems associated with diet such as coronary heart attacks, arteriosclerosis and obesity are eliminated — and without the need for exercise! Visit Your Future®
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